Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring Break Reading Challenge Activity #2

I've signed up for the Spring Break Reading Challenge over at and this is the second activity.

1 - Using keywords related to your interests, find a blog that is new to you. Be sure to give us the Blog Title, Link, and Short Description of the Blog.

The blog is located at and is called The Galaxy Express and has discussions, issues and reviews of science fiction romance novels. (I have found out that this and vampire romances are my favorite romance genres. Go figure, I didn't think I liked romance novels.)

2 - A blog belonging to an author from a book in your To Be Read pile (just a random one if you don't have a To-Be-Read pile). I want to read the Black Dagger Brotherhood series.

3 - A book releasing THIS MONTH you want to read. Beauty and the Feast by Julia Barrett will be released on March 16, 2010.


  1. Oooh! Cool! I'm flattered to be in such great company. I've always been a huge science fiction fan. The BDB series is really good - especially the first four books or so. Love Dark Lover! I'm excited to have you read Beauty and the Feast too - though it involves eating, there are, unfortunately, no vampires.

  2. Hello Miss Dana! Per one of the goals I set during Activity #1, I am here to say hello and introduce myself! Thank you for joining the fun of SBRC!
